An unexpected program which was organised by our school non-teaching faculties
along with fellow calibers of Delta public school on the occasion of the Teachers day on
September 05 2020.
Mrs. Josephine lawrence, the principal who presided over the function conveyed the
teaching community. Mr.Surulinathan, the vice principal addressed the gathering. Mr.
Tajudeen, the managing trustee wished the teachers of Delta with his winsome words.
Ms.Purvaja of grade vii welcomed the gathering and the program was organised by both
Mr.Aaronprabhu and Ms. Purvaja.
All the teachers were happy when our students spoke few words about them.
Non-teaching friends Mrs.Chitra, Mrs.Aafrin, Mrs.Ajma, and Ms.Maha gave
extraordinary speech in praising immortal efforts of the teachers.
Mr.Poongundran,the administrator officer, Mr. Mohan and Mr. Abu, the assistants had
arranged a Musical Album and gave away the prizes to tribute all our school teachers.
Even if the students are not physically present at the celebration, they enthralled the
teachers with their performance through online.
We teachers were honoured by our Principal by giving TEACH SAVVY AWARD 2020
for using ICT in online teaching during COVID19.
We had a delicious noon meal which was arranged by our school management.
Finally, we came to the conclusion with fun games in the evening and dispersed.
All these program was telecasted lively through zoom app and maintained by our
teachers Mr. P.Sugendren, Mr. Arundevan and Student from grade X Mr. Ahamedizzan.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
S. Arundevan