A CBSE Affiliated Secondary Co-Educational School
CBSE AFF.NO.:1930967 Website:www.deltapublicschool.com
Date: 28th and 31st October 2020
Mode of Exhibition : Online ( Though zoom app)
With a view to encourage and inculcate scientific temper amongst the students, the Delta Public School, Department of science Ms. Arthi, Mrs. Namaj, Mrs. Punitha, Mr. Suresh Kana and Mr. Thirunavukarasu organised a Science exhibition for this academic year 2020-2021. It was inaugurated by our Honourable Principal Mrs. Josephine, in the presence of Vice Principal Mr. Surulinathan and all the teachers on 16th October 2020 , which involved a ribbon cutting ceremony, robotic dance by students etc, all these program brodcosted through zoom online, morethan 150 students were participated in this inaugural function.., The Exhibition was conducted through the mode of online on 28th and 31st October 2020. Students from Montessori to Grade X were participated.
Previously, the students were divided into 3 categories. Various themes were given to those categories. Students were asked to choose their favourite theme and create models to explain it. Students from Montessori explained the scientific concepts behind the household things in their own way. Other students have made excellent static and working models. Students have given a beautiful and detailed explanation of their models to the judges. Our Principal and Vice Principal accompanied the judges and witnessed the young talents. They were even questioned about the scientific concepts and theories behind their project. Various sustainable ideas and topics were picked up and demonstrated visually. Students not only explored their talents but also experienced so many new and innovative ideas. All the judges praised the efforts of the students and congratulated them for putting their best foot forward. It was a big success for our school and I am sure it inspired a lot of young minds.
Thank you