The much awaited Annual sports daywas held on 26th January 2020, with great zeal excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. The programme began with welcome address given by Mr.Arundevan. The Chief guest Mr.S.Nachiyappan retired P.E.T, Tiruvarur district P.D & P.E.T Association hoourable president declared the sports meet.
The chief guest, Mr.Haja Bahurdeen Management Trustee, Mr.Ravichandran Academic Director also accepted the salute of the impressive March past of the students.
The students entered into the spirit of the occasion in a grand way with the oath being administrated by the sports minister. Energizing house wise display set the tone for the rest of the events. The students displayed a Karate display, Silambam and archery, Shooting mesmerizing the audience with their energetic performances. ‘
Once the races began, the was filled with cheering and tons of encouragement the young athletes. Students of classes 1 to 9 completed events including football, Relay race, sprints events and Vegetable collecting by Kinder garden students.
The Overall champion Trophy was awarded to the TOPAZ house.