We team Delta had gathered for the celebration of Mr. Kamarajar’s Birthday as Educational growth day on 15 of July 2020. Mrs. Josephine Lawrence, the principal of Delta public school and Mr. Surulinathan, the Vice principal had been consented to be the chief guest of the day event. We had planned some of the events to be held for the commemoration of Mr. Kamaraj.
As we planned, we executed the program in a grandeur manner. The program started with an invocation followed by Mr. S. Arundevan, teacher of Delta public school welcomed the gathering who participated through both online and offline. We had a debate among the teachers in the title of ‘ Has Kamarajar contributed only in Education or politics? Teachers from various departments took part and supported their team respectively. Mr. Surulinathan, the vice principal of Delta public school presided over the
Debate as a Judge. Mr. Kamaraj was praised by songs and gazel which were presented by our Teachers Mrs. Mashitha, Mrs. Vaishnavi, Mrs. Vidya and Ms. Anuba. Ms. Benni and Mrs. Kalaimathi presented speech. Mrs. Josephine, the principal had been consented the chief guest and delivered a presidential address with her inspiring words to all our children, parents and teachers. We came to the end of the programme with a vote of thanks given by Mrs. Shalini, the teacher of Delta public school and sliced the cake for the commemoration of Mr. Kamaraj.