Date: 9.12.2021
The investiture ceremony for the academic year 2021- 22 was held on the 9th of December 2021. The chief guest for the event was Mr. HAJA BAHURUDEEN, managing director of Delta Public School.
The ceremony begin with the introduction of the Tamil mother. Welcome address given by Mr.Arundevan, teaching faculty of Delta Public School. Welcome dance was performed by the girls of grade 8 and 9, which held every one captive to their performance. The March by all the prefects were a spectacular event, which set the mood for the event. The students were honoured by their parents and congratulated by our principal and vice principal. The oath taking ceremony was led by Mr.Sugendran, Physical Education teacher. The principal and vice principal wished the student leaders in completing responsibilities and entrusted to them various duties in the year ahead. He also mentioned the efforts taken by the school in promoting children’s democratic and social skills and offered his support in the future. His words of advice were highly motivated to the students. Mrs.Gayathri has done wonderful comparing throughout the programme. Mrs.Vanithamani has given the vote of thanks. The programme ended with national anthem.