Date: 05.06.2021
Team Delta had planned and executed the world environment day in a victorious way through online on 5th june of 2021.Mrs.L. Josephine, The principal, Mr. R.Surulinathan, the vice principal of Delta public school presided over the program. Mr. Thirunavukarsu welcomed the gathering and addressed the students, the importance of the celebration. Mr. P.Sugendranorganised the program Mrs.Ajmathnisha, one of the non teaching faculties of our school gave an excellent speech on preserving nature and recited a poem related to environment. Followed by Mr. S. Arundevan, teacher of Delta public school was invited to deliver a speech, he addressed the students the role of ourselves in conserving nature.
Ms. Mahalakshmi, one of the non teaching faculties gave an inspirational speech.Mrs. Shalini, teacher of Delta Public School shared the mesmerizing videos of our school children. The contend of the video includes the various duty bound activities towards nature.